French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)



Type of actor

Support player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social / Medical Device

Intervention zone

Regional / National / European / International

What is the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle?

As a self-financed public institution under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of industrial property, INPI also plays an active role in the development and implementation of public policies in the fields of intellectual property, support for innovation and business competitiveness, and the fight against counterfeiting.

Access the INPI website


Custodian of all industrial property titles registered in France and of data from the National Trade and Companies Register, INPI disseminates more than 56.7 million open, free and reusable data. In addition to its work registering and issuing titles (patents, trademarks, designs) and handling business formalities, the Institut national de la propriété industrielle (INPI) acts in favor of economic development through its actions to raise awareness and promote innovation and its challenges. The Institute accompanies all innovators so that they can transform their projects into concrete achievements, their innovations into value.

I have a project. How can I get in touch with INPI?

Intellectual property is at the service of a company's growth. It protects intangible assets and gives companies the means to :

  • Protect what makes the company valuable and preserve its competitive advantages over competitors;
  • To shed light on the technological and commercial strategy of the main competitors;
  • Value its assets in the context of fund-raising, mergers and acquisitions, and international expansion;
  • Generate revenue through licensing of registered titles;
  • Provide the means to react to potential counterfeiters;
  • Ensure brand image and promote the company's capacity for innovation.

A question, a new project, in the R&D or marketing phase, in France or internationally, INPI can help you achieve your goals.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?

INPI supports innovation players, whatever their degree of maturity, and at all stages of their project.
Our network of experts is on hand to support innovation players with Intellectual Property procedures and strategy implementation.

Does it finance projects?

INPI offers financial support to encourage the company to implement the recommendations made as part of its support (subject to certain eligibility conditions).

Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about INPI.

Who's the right person to talk to?

Do you charge for your services?

Our long-term expert support is free of charge, the services we offer are fee-based.

Can your organization support my project individually?

Our experts offer personalized support.

Do you have any examples of customer needs that your offer meets?

  • Monitoring industrial property titles
  • Identify my competitors
  • Know how to date my invention
  • Know if my innovation is free of rights and protectable
  • Filing an industrial property title
  • Extend my IP title internationally
  • Integrate clauses relating to the ownership of innovations into my various contracts (employment, GTCs, supplier contracts, etc.)
  • Evaluate my IP assets
  • Know the tax rules regarding IP
  • Get help in an IP dispute taking place with a foreign company
  • Develop an intellectual property strategy
  • Develop an IP culture within my company

What services do you offer?

15 Rue des Minimes 92400 Courbevoie

Presentation of INPI for Innovation in Healthcare

The Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI) is a key player for companies wishing to innovate in the healthcare sector in France. As a public institution, INPI plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting intellectual property, which is essential for companies seeking to develop innovative solutions in the healthcare sector.

INPI's role in Innovation

INPI is responsible for issuing industrial property titles, such as patents, trademarks, and designs. These titles are essential for protecting companies' inventions and creations, enabling them to maintain a competitive position in the marketplace. Indeed, intellectual property is a strategic asset that enables companies to add value to their innovations and generate revenue through the licensing of their patents or trademarks.

Filing and Formalities

For companies wishing to file a patent or trademark, INPI offers a one-stop shop for business formalities. This simplifies administrative procedures, enabling companies to concentrate on their core business while protecting their intellectual property rights. Filing a patent, for example, requires a prior art search to ensure that the invention is new and not obvious in relation to the existing state of the art.

Registre National des Entreprises

INPI is also responsible for the Registre National des Entreprises, which centralizes and disseminates economic and legal information on French companies. This register is a valuable resource for companies seeking to understand their competitive environment or identify potential partners.

Board and Management

The INPI is placed under the supervision of the ministry in charge of industrial property and is managed by a board of directors chaired by Sylvie Guinard. This structure ensures that the institute remains aligned with public policies aimed at promoting innovation and the competitiveness of French businesses.

Data and Intellectual Property

Data is playing an increasing role in healthcare innovation, particularly with the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics to improve care. INPI helps companies understand how to protect this data and add value to it as part of their intellectual property strategy.

In short, INPI is an essential partner for innovative healthcare companies, offering advice and tools to protect and add value to their intellectual property. By simplifying formalities and providing valuable resources, INPI supports the economic development and competitiveness of French companies on the national and international stage.

In short, INPI is an essential partner for innovative companies in the healthcare field, offering advice and tools to protect and enhance their intellectual property.
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