French Hospital Federation (FHF)



Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care

Intervention zone


This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

What is the FHF?

"Maison commune" of public hospitals and medico-social establishments, the Fédération hospitalière de France brings together elected representatives, directors, doctors and users.
With its 20 regional federations, the FHF is a driving force behind proposals to simplify and strengthen the efficiency of our healthcare system, based on the territories.

Go to the FHF website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


  • Defend and propose: through the publication of thematic reports, white papers and collections of proposals, but also its media presence and on social networks, the FHF contributes to parliamentary debates (Proposals for amendments, participation in hearings...) and ongoing dialogue with local institutional players.
  • Animating and federating the healthcare and medico-social ecosystem at all scales. It organizes thematic symposia and major events such as "SANTEXPO". The FHF plays an active role in the activities of the European Hospital Federation (HOPE) and coordinates the European exchange program for hospital managers in France. The FHF develops international hospital cooperation, in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD), and also contributes to the actions of the International Hospital Federation (IHF).
  • Promote and value the work of hospitals and medical-social establishments, their staff and health and medical-social innovations. It also promotes the development of innovative approaches in the image of "Population Responsibility", centered on prevention and the cooperation of players in the territories.

Discover the FHF on video

I have a project. How can I get in touch with the FHF?

The Fédération hospitalière de France can help you find the right contacts, in health and medico-social structures.

At what stage of my project should I contact your organization?

At any stage of your project, as long as it can already be presented and shared.

Does it finance projects?


Accessible resources

  • The FHF serves the public hospital and medico-social community with directories, job offers, public markets, datas and publishes the Revue Hospitalière de France (RHF).
  • The Federation created the Fonds FHF to federate all innovative players in healthcare and via the Hospi'Up Guide, help them know how to work together.

Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about FHF

Who's the right person to talk to?

1 b Rue Cabanis 75014 Paris