Economic Committee for Health Products (CEPS)



Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Medical Device

Intervention zone


What is the CEPS?

The Comité Economique des Produits de Santé (CEPS), an interministerial body placed under the joint authority of the ministers responsible for Health, Social Security and the Economy, is tasked under the law with setting the prices of medicines and the rates for medical devices for individual use and associated services covered by compulsory health insurance.

Go to the CEPS website


After the Haute Autorité de Santé has evaluated the technology, the CEPS has the role of setting a price for the product before it is covered by the Health Insurance Fund. Thus, it is the organisation with which the contractor will be in contact when applying for reimbursement for the pricing of certain health products (only for items on the List of Reimbursable Products and Services, or LPPR).

I have a project, how can contacting the CEPS be of use to me?

  • To identify and understand the methodology for setting prices on the List of Reimbursable Products and Services (LPPR)
  • To anticipate the price negotiation phase: Preparing the cost argument application for CEPS members.

At what stage of my project should I contact them?

After the clinical evaluation of the technology by the Haute Autorité de Santé, during the discussion phase between the Committee and the contractor on setting prices.
When considering the device’s terms of reimbursement in order to get an opinion on how the device should be reimbursed on the List of Reimbursable Products and Services (LPPR)

J’ai un projet, en quoi entrer en contact avec le CEPS m’est utile ?

  • Pour identifier et comprendre la méthodologie de fixation des prix sur la Liste des Produits et Prestations Remboursables (LPPR);
  • Pour anticiper la phase de négociation du prix : constitution du dossier économique à destination des membres du CEPS.

À quelle phase de mon projet entrer en contact avec votre structure ?

Après l’évaluation clinique de la technologie par la Haute Autorité de Santé, lors de la phase de discussion entre le Comité et l’entrepreneur sur la fixation du prix.
Lors de la réflexion sur les modalités de remboursement du dispositif pour obtenir un avis sur la pertinence du remboursement du dispositif sur la liste des produits et prestations remboursables (LPPR).

Finance-t-il des projets ?


Find out more

Practical Guide

Frequently asked questions about the CEPS

Who is the right person to contact?

The General Secretariat of the CEPS (SGCEPS) - medical devices section:

Does the CEPS charge for their services?


Can the CEPS support my project individually?


Est-ce que le CEPS évalue mon dispositif ? Comment est tarifé mon dispositif ?

  • Le CEPS intervient après évaluation par la Haute Autorité de Santé. Un dossier d’évaluation doit être déposé auprès de la CNEDiMTS (Commission de la HAS en charge de l'évaluation des DM et technologies de santé) ;
  • Les critères de fixation du prix sont déterminés dans la loi notamment à l’article L. 165-2 du Code de la sécurité sociale.


There are no prerequisites for contacting the SGCEPS. Nevertheless, the terms of reimbursement planned for the product should be thought out at an earlier point. The CEPS is only involved in pricing products listed on the LPPR.

Are the discussions with the CEPS Secretariat General binding on the CEPS?

The SGCEPS does not represent the CEPS (which is 10 members, only 2 of whom belong to the SGCEPS).
Its opinion does not bind the CEPS to further discussions.

14 Avenue Duquesne 75007 Paris