Step-by-step guide to getting listed with Mon Espace Santé

Here are the steps to take to get your service listed with Mon Espace Santé

What would you like to do?

Before starting the work, check whether Mon Espace Santé is relevant to you

Learn about all the stages of the referral process for Mon Espace Santé

About Mon Espace Santé

Mon Espace Santé is a trusted personal space which allows all citizens to manage their health data in one place and to share it with the actors they trust: Health professionals, health care facilities, or listed digital services that comply with the security, ethics and interoperability framework.

For citizens, Mon Espace Santé is a digital public service that will open on 1 January 2022 for those who have not opted out.

Aspects of Mon Espace Santé

A confidential, secure space
A trusted personal space that allows users to manage their health data and share it with trusted parties. Each user thus decides with whom to share their data.

A customisable space
Each user chooses which health data they want to put into this space, in order to make it available in one place.
The user decides which of their health data is accessible, and to which health care providers and professionals.

A storage and transfer space
A secure storage space to guarantee user trust, but also to provide assurance to health care professionals and facilities so they can input and read health data to care for their patients.

How does it work?

What is Mon Espace Santé? How does it work?

Regulatory framework

Get compliant with the regulatory framework

Exchanging data

Identify whether your digital solution exchanges data, in read and/or write mode, with Mon Espace Santé

Listing process

Begin the process of getting your solution listed

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