Non-recurring credits (CNR) paid by ARS

Type of financing

Common law



Context of use


Purpose of the system

The ARS may have temporary budget availability. Credits from this budgetary availability can then be allocated to establishmentsand services for the elderly and people with disabilities in the region, to support them in their investments.

These investments must bring a qualitative improvement in the service provided by these structures. Among other investments (financing work, one-off human resources, training, etc.), digital investments may thus be eligible for these credits, known as CNR (non-renewable credits).

The ARS informs beneficiary structures or their representatives of the existence of CNRs, the targeted investments and how to apply for credits. The information is generally communicated only to beneficiaries (and more rarely put online on the ARS website).

The ARS examines the structures' requests, then monitors the use of credits.

By their very nature, these RNCs can only finance non-permanent expenses.

Is this scheme right for my project?

  • Eligible for CNR are establishments and services for the elderly and disabled. To benefit from these credits, companies must therefore partner with these structures. The latter must ensure that they respect the public procurement framework in their dealings with the company.
  • Capital expenditure is eligible for the CNR. As the CNR only finances investments, a subscription to a digital solution, for example, will not be eligible for this type of credit. In this case, it is important to ensure that the establishment or service benefiting from the solution will be able to finance the subscription from its current budget.
  • To benefit from a CNR, my investment must meet the criteria set out by the ARS.

Type of financing

Non-renewable credits

Location of financing


Amount of financing

The amount of funding depends on each application. The maximum amount authorized is specified by each ARS.

Calendar / periodicity

At the discretion of each ARS and according to the priority needs of the region's medical-social establishments and structures.
Note: the use of CNRs for digital investments is generally marginal.

Carrier type

The request must be made by an establishment or service for the elderly or disabled.

Conditions to be met

These conditions are defined by each ARS.

How to apply

Establishments and services for the elderly and people with disabilities can file an application with the ARS, according to the procedures defined by each ARS.


Frequently asked questions

How can I find out which CNRs are available in each ARS?

The ARS generally communicates about the CNRs directly with the beneficiary structures or their representatives. More rarely, information is published on the ARS website.

Do the ARS systematically and extensively fund digital investments through the CNR?

No, the RNC can be used to finance digital investments on a case-by-case basis, but the share of digital remains marginal in the RNC allocation.