I apply on the HAS Sésame platform


The solution must have:

  • the CE mark
  • the certificate of compliance with current interoperability and security standards previously issued by the Agence du numérique en santé (ANS).

09. I connect to the Sésame platform



I do not yet have an account on the Sésame platform

Point of attention: To submit a file on Sésame, I must have an access account to the platform. I can request, from the HAS, the creation of my account through the corresponding form.

I find all the access modalities in the dedicated FAQ.

I already have an account on the Sésame platform

10. I would like to be accompanied



I would like support before submitting my application

The HAS offers, for industrialists who wish, appointments before the submission of the file:

These meetings are free and confidential.

11. I submit my application on the Sésame platform



I apply via the HAS Sésame platform

I find the FAQ dedicated from the Sésame platform.

Points of attention:

  • The file filed on Sésame is accessible to the ministers in charge of health and social security and is worth filing with the ministers.
  • I must e-mail a copy of my application to the relevant national professional councils (CNP).

Each time my status changes, I receive notification by e-mail (if I've chosen this option) or directly on the platform.

Help wanted

At any time, I can check the status of my file on Sésame.

If you have any difficulties, you can e-mail your questions to guichetnumerique@has-sante.fr

12. I receive confirmation of my application



I receive an acknowledgement of receipt

If my file is complete, I receive an acknowledgement of receipt (AR) from the Ministry. If any information is missing, I am informed by e-mail.

I download my complete guided tour and the checklist summarizing all the actions I need to take.

Mon parcours guidé remboursement de ma solution de télésurveillance