Evaluation procedure

Improve the legibility of the evaluation process

What is the purpose of this action?

A common observation is the lack of legibility in the evaluation procedure. Tools are therefore planned to inform project leaders and to enable those involved in supporting and financing innovation to guide their project leaders from the first stages of development

Who is it for ?

The ecosystem of entrepreneurs


The public consultation identified a need for information regarding the evaluation methods required to prove the medical, organizational, or economic added value of digital medical devices for CNEDIMTS filing and application for reimbursement by the French Health Insurance Fund.

Project leaders and innovation supporters have difficulty finding their way around the various existing methods that allow them to provide proof that their digital medical device has real benefits.

This lack of knowledge in terms of methodological expectations can lead to poorly designed clinical studies, and ultimately to negative evaluations by the authorities.


Creating a step-by-step guide on G_NIUS will inform project leaders while also enabling those who support and finance innovation to guide their project leaders starting from the early stages of development (e.g.: when the first subsidies are granted, for example).