Digital divides

Bridging the digital divide

What is the objective of the action ?

The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of digital technology in the health sector. 
The imperative need to inform and train users in digital health is therefore becoming a key issue. 

Who is it for ?

Users of the health system.


The COVID-19 crisis has brought to light the digital divide in health, which particularly affects the oldest people, those living in the most rural areas, those with the lowest incomes and those with the least education.

The acceleration of the supply of digital health services means that the issues of digital divides must be reconsidered as a new priority and that we must think about how to support the most excluded people in their digital health-related activities. 



In addition to the "Users' competences" action, and based on the "Digital health" pathway of the PIX platform, the action aims to apply the common reference framework of digital skills in health to a specific professional/mediator/helper entry allowing to : 

  • Mapping situations of digital exclusion via ad hoc surveys
  • Train digital mediation actors in digital health via, among other things, the generalisation of the Digital Pass 
  • Make available educational content on an LMS dedicated to digital mediation for professionals in the field but also for third-party helpers in connection with existing systems (for example, the AidantConnect platform)

Roadmap de l'action

  • During the first half of 2022

    The action starts and lasts for 3 years, with an evaluation every year.

  • 2eme semestre 2022

    • Tour de France inclusion numérique et Mon espace santé
    • Accompagnement des personnes éloignées du numérique par les médiateurs numériques formés
    • Actions de sensibilisation des ambassadeurs Mon espace santé (stand d’ouverture de comptes, webinaires, ateliers, etc.)
  • 2023

    • Evaluation du dispositif des ambassadeurs
    • Mobilisation sur l’ensemble des problématiques du numérique en santé

    L’action démarre et dure 3 ans, avec une évaluation tous les ans.