Digital fractures
Reducing digital divides
What is the objective of the action?
The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated just how important digital healthcare is.
The imperative need to inform and train users in digital healthcare is therefore becoming an essential issue.
Who is it for ?
Health system users.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought to lightthe digital health divide, which particularly affectsthe oldest people, those living in the most rural areas, those with the lowest incomes and the least educated.
If digital healthcare services are accelerating considerably and offering better follow-up for all patients, it's important that all citizens can benefit from this gain. The response to the digital divide must be carried out from the launch of a digital health service, and become an inherent priority for each tool.
As a complement to the action "Citizen skills", and based on the "Digital health" pathway of the PIX platform, the action aims to support the 13 million French people who suffer from a digital divide in the uses of digital health. The aim is to create a network of professional or volunteer structures and people across the country, who will help citizens to take control of Mon espace santé - these are the "Mon espace santé ambassadors".
This action involves in particular
- Mapping the mediation players trained in Mon espace santé
- Setting up an ecosystem animation enabling awareness of the issues, answers to mediators' questions adapted to the reality of their action
Action roadmap
1st half 2022
- Setting up My Health Space ambassador coordinators in the regions within GRADeS and ARS
- Recruitment of the first Mon espace santé ambassadors
2nd half 2022
- Tour de France digital inclusion and Mon espace santé
- Accompaniment of people far from digital by trained digital mediators
- Awareness-raising actions by Mon espace santé ambassadors (account opening stand, webinars, workshops, etc.)
- Evaluation of the ambassador scheme
- Mobilization on all digital health issues
The action starts and lasts 3 years, with an evaluation every year.