Mapping digital uses and levers for transforming the healthcare offering
Explore the DGOS mapping of digital levers in healthcare: opportunities, concrete use cases and priorities for innovating and transforming the healthcare offering in France.
A new mapping of digital levers for transforming the healthcare offer has just been published by the Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins (DGOS). This valuable resource offers innovators and entrepreneurs in the digital health and e-health sector a clear and detailed vision of current and future opportunities in the field.
Co-constructed with many key players in the sector, including regional health agencies, the Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie, the Agence de l'Innovation en Santé, and industry players, this mapping presents concrete use cases where digital technology can transform patient care and professional practices. It also identifies priority areas for further research to maximize the potential of digital technology, in particular to free up nursing time. For entrepreneurs and innovators, this tool offers an in-depth understanding of market needs and national strategic orientations, enabling them to align their innovations with the sector's priorities.
This mapping, far from being static, is designed as an evolving tool that will adapt to technological advances and needs expressed in the field. It represents an opportunity for digital health innovation players to actively participate in the construction of tomorrow's uses, based on a shared and coherent vision of the sector's challenges. By exploring this resource, entrepreneurs can identify new market niches, anticipate future trends, and develop solutions aligned with the real needs of the French healthcare system.