Launch of the Grand Défi "DM Numériques au service de la santé mentale" call for projects
As part of the France 2030 Medical Devices Plan, the Grand Défi "Digital medical devices in mental health" aims to foster the emergence of innovative digital healthcare technologies and ensure the implementation of a suitable framework for market access to digital medical devices enabling the prevention, care and monitoring of psychiatric and mental health patients.
All about the call for projects
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2024, another important step has been taken to improve mental health in France. Prime Minister Michel Barnier unveiled measures for the mental health of the French by making this topic the Great National Cause for 2025. Among his measures, one axis will be dedicated to innovation and research in the service of citizens' mental health as part of the Plan France 2030. The Prime Minister announced the launch of the "Digital medical devices in mental health" call for projects, opening up new prospects for the future of the sector.
This call for projects is structured around three main areas:
- Meeting the mental health needs of citizens, patients, caregivers, professionals by supporting the development of innovative digital technologies hand-in-hand with users, designers and evaluators;
- Guarantee the effectiveness and safety of digital medical devices(or future DMDs) that meet the challenges of mental health;
- Facilitate the provision of digital medical devices in mental health evaluated to users (patients, caregivers, professionals, establishments).