FRANCE 2030: 55 million euros to support digital healthcare projects
Launched in 2021, as part of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy, the "Digital Health" call for expressions of interest closes with the announcement of the winners by the public authorities.
Launched and closing in 2021, the winners of the "Santé numérique" call for expressions of interest have just been announced.
The "Digital Health" call for expressions of interest meets two objectives:
- feed into the construction of the strategy by proposing both projects ready for funding and more forward-looking projects likely to be supported under future calls for projects;
- identify the players involved and gather their project proposals on French territory.
This call for expressions of interest, operated on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance, has made it possible to identify priority projects that will be rapidly financed, but also to foreshadow future calls for projects. Projects that responded to the call for expressions of interest could, for example, be directed towards the calls for projects launched during 2021 and 2022 that were most relevant to them.
The winners of the "Santé Numérique" AMI:
The total investment is €97.9 million, including €55.6 million in grants, divided between 14 winning projects, led by various consortia representing 42 entities in total.