A look back at the Hauts-de-France stage of the SASN Tour de France
On May 10, the interministerial delegation went to meet those who are making digital health happen in Hauts-de-France, as part of the 6th leg of the tour de France de la "Santé numérique". The day was held on the EURASANTE site, at the bio-incubateur.

The tour of France is an opportunity for the delegation to talk with project owners, about successes, difficulties encountered and the suitability of financing plans (including SASN) to their needs.
Alongside local support partners, including EURASANTE, SATT Nord and Bpifrance, the delegation met with the following project leaders:
- Dan Istrate for the eBioMed Chair;
- Representatives from CELEOS, HIOTA, Home habilis, Kelindi, Lifebloom and New Card.
During a convivial time, at the invitation of ARS Hauts-de-France and introduced by its Director General Professor Benoît Vallet, members of the delegation were able to exchange with their local contacts (ARS, DREETS, DRARI, GRADeS), as well as with other organizations (Université de Lille, CHU de Lille) and local support providers (SATT Nord).

Telehealth represents a lever for improving patient care and better coordination of professionals around the patient. Telehealth represents another way of providing care, complementary to face-to-face care, and mindful of the quality requirements of the care relationship and the care provided. Constantly evolving, telehealth invites reflection on its challenges and developments for the future.
2 round tables were dedicated to this topic, attended by more than a hundred participants in face-to-face and remote sessions:
- Quality telehealth practices: the implementation of telehealth for all and throughout the country raises a variety of issues: training for professionals, patient confidence, universal accessibility and ethics in the care relationship as well as in the organization of the healthcare system, issues that were addressed in the 1st round table.
- Telemonitoring organizations and the forthcoming entry into common law of its evaluation and reimbursement were addressed in the 2nd round table.
The CHU welcomed the delegation for a presentation of the clinical investigation center, whose specialty is "Bio-sensors and e-Health: innovation and uses". The delegation was shown how it works and some of its innovations.