A look back at the Grenoble leg of the SASN Tour de France
The Tour de France of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy has made a stop in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in Grenoble.
Grenoble is an emblematic stage in the excellence of the imaging sector in France, one of the strategy's key topics. Numerous exchanges took place with the teeming local ecosystem, on this topic in particular, but also on the other actions of the strategy.
The Round Table was held at MEDYTEC. Its aim was to discuss the origins of the imaging sector, how the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy could meet its needs, and to address the prospects for future developments and needs to be taken into account.
The actions of the strategy that are concerned by the theme:
- AAP i-démo (open) to enhance the sector's excellence with €75M on imaging
- AAP i-inov (open) for innovation aid with €20M on imaging PEPR (currently being scoped) with €60M

The speakers at the round table were:
- Philippe Cinquin, Professor of Public Health at UGA and CHU Grenoble Alpes, TIMC & CIC-IT, specialist in computer-assisted medical gestures, presented the Grenoble model, which was established in the 1990s and has become a standard in France;Review the presentation
- Odile Allard, CEO Fluoptics, returned to Grenoble's technological dimension with its university ecosystem illustrating interdisciplinarity; Review the presentation
- Vincent Tempelaere, Chairman of Medicalps, multi-entrepreneur and current Chairman of ALPAO and EVEON, presented the attractiveness of the region and the dynamics initiated;Review the presentation
- Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, PU-PH, CHU Grenoble, in charge of the Health Data Warehouse & Imaging, described the organization of the CHU, the constitution of the Health Data Warehouse and the importance in imaging projects;Review the presentation
- Charles-Antoine Goffin, Vice President of the Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems Thales Business Line, went back over the origins of Trixell and the transformation in the French industrial ecosystem; Review the presentation
- Christophe Lala detailed the organization of the CSF santé / imagerie and its importance in the industry; Review the presentation
- Emmanuel Barbier, Director of the IRMaGe laboratory and Deputy Director of the Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences laboratory, France Life Imaging, presented the role and vision of France Life Imaging; Review the presentation

During the 1st sequence of the afternoon, interministerial coordination was able to exchange with representatives of the local digital health ecosystem. Each company was able to introduce itself and discuss the actions implemented as part of the strategy.

During the 2nd sequence of the afternoon, interministerial coordination was able to exchange views with representatives from the academic and research worlds. The following projects were presented:
- Les enjeux liés aux données de Santé à vocation recherche by Christophe Calvin for CEA;
- "Image acquisition - reconstruction using dictionaries" by Emmanuel Barbier from Grenoble Alpes University;
- "Prevention of heart failure relapses by remote processing of signals collected by an implantable digital multimodal stethoscope" by Philippe Cinquin, University of Grenoble Alpes;
- "Radiomics & AI for the diagnosis and prognosis of microvascular coronary disease" by Laurent Riou of Grenoble Alpes University
- The health data warehouse set up at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital by Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry
- The Department of Micro-Technologies for Biology and Health by Patrick Chaton of CEA
The ministerial delegation, as well as the representatives of the state in the regions, warmly thank the whole ecosystem for the richness, the relevance of the exchanges and the organization of this stage of our Tour de France.