Supported by: Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO)
Principal consortium members: Institut Bergonié (IB), Centre hospitalier de Mont de Marsan (CH MM), Digital Medical Hub (DMH)
ONCO-ATLANTIQUE is 100% dedicated to cancer care: "from biomarkers to out-of-hospital care". It incorporates an operator, DMH, specialized in supporting manufacturers in the development, market access and evaluation of their digital tools.
care facilities
Care facility categories: Public/Private
The Tiers Lieu service offering
The Onco-Atlantic program offers manufacturers:
- A real-life experimentation platform on various care facilities to measure the clinical and medico-economic benefits of solutions;
- Accompaniment on the clinical study/medicoeco component: protocol, regulatory support, execution and monitoring, scientific writing and publication, support with the technical file or LPP/LATM/DTx filing file;
- Accompaniment throughout the digital development lifecycle: training in public procurement, regulatory/ CE marking, market access thanks to our exclusive partner Digital Medical Hub to secure your access to the market;
- Patient focus groups and co-design workshops with healthcare professionals to test the feasibility of solutions and uses;
- Access to real-life data: clinical data, imaging data, biological samples, etc.
Tiers Lieu projects
Project 1: Oncowise Prostate
Supplier: SEMEIA
Solution: OncoWise
Need: Prediction of unscheduled hospitalizations and/or treatment discontinuation at 6 months in patients with metastatic prostate cancer undergoing oral therapy
Apport du Tiers-Lieu:
- Experimentation with a new use case (extension of indication);
- Medical expertise in the management of metastatic prostate cancer (oncology, radiotherapy);
- Co-design of the solution with patients, experimentation on an existing active file, experimentation methodology and design.
Project 2: Multisense senior
Supplier : RDS
Solution : Multisense
Need : Securing early discharge in oncological post-surgery thanks to a digital medical device for remote monitoring
Apport du Tiers-Lieu:
- Hybrid intra- and extra-hospital experimentation;
- Surgical expertise;
- Experimentation on an existing active file, methodology and experimental design