Third Party Venue: MindLink

Supported by: GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences
Main consortium members: La Maison Perchée - La Poste Santé & Autonomie - GIP Sesan - Psycom - Unafam - Hôpital Paul Guiraud - PariSanté Campus - Inserm

MindLink is a place for hybridization, open to all, enabling everyone to share their experiences in order to co-design digital mental health devices with users (healthcare professionals, people affected by a psychic or neurodevelopmental disorder and caregivers).


project manager


partners for a specialized mental health consortium

+ over 200

experimental sites

+ more than 50

experts, healthcare professionals and users involved in the project


+ de 3

new projects supported each year

The Tiers Lieu service offering

Base support implementing inclusive co-construction methods:

  • Access to terrains d'expérimentation and an active file of people involved, caregivers and healthcare professionals
  • Design and facilitation of co-construction workshops adapted to the different stages of the project
  • Detection of needs not covered by end-users
  • Support for the implementation of an eco-design approach
  • .design
  • Accompaniment in the analysis and interpretation of experimental results

Tailored accompaniment according to identified needs:

  • Project management:support in framing, coordinating and communicating around the project
  • Data & security:access to a network of experts in the development of digital health devices
  • Financing: accompaniment in finding funding and accessing the market
  • Regulatory: accompaniment in complying with regulatory requirements
  • Clinical evaluation: support in drafting and conducting the clinical evaluation protocol
  • Ecosystem: access to regional and national tools, and accompaniment in understanding them

Tiers Lieu projects

Project 1: Firefly

Solution: Stemming from a virtual reality application with a proven track record in the management and treatment of pain, the challenge of our partnership is an adaptation for caregivers suffering from immediate post-shift sleep disorders:

  • A program of relaxation sessions aimed at reducing anxiety using a non-pharmacological approach.

Need :This solution could, by improving sleep quality, improve alertness and working conditions with a possible cascading impact on quality of life at work, quality of patient care and reduced staff absenteeism.

Contribution of the Tiers-Lieu :

  • Improved robustness of the prospective interventional randomized controlled open-label study, thanks to the switch from a monocentric to a multicentric study.
  • Support for the recruitment of healthcare professionals working at night.
  • Implementation and facilitation of co-construction workshops to adapt the universes and the device to the specific needs of healthcare professionals working at night.

Project 2: myCharlotte

Solution: Stemming from an application that has proved its worth in breast cancer support care, the challenge of our partnership is an adaptation for people affected by a characterized depressive disorder:

  • Psychoeducation
  • A digital therapy dedicated to depression
  • A diagnostic and remote monitoring tool

Need: This application makes it possible to personalize care according to each patient's needs, to make the offer accessible to all both financially and geographically, and to aim for functional recovery by improving patients' quality of life.

The contribution of the Tiers-Lieu:

  • Set up and run co-design workshops with people affected by a depressive disorder to ensure that the application meets their user needs;
  • Conduct, as promoter, until the Platform is registered on the LPPR (Liste des Produits et Prestations Remboursables), clinical studies related to the use of all or part of the Platform in the management of depression ;
  • Participate as an investigating center in clinical studies relating to the use of all or part of the Platform in the treatment of depression;
  • Edit scientific publications relating to the clinical studies referred to above.