Third Party Venue: MOBIS

MOBIS (MOBilités Intelligentes en Santé)

Supported by: CHU d'Angers
Main consortium members: MOBIS brings together a consortium of 11 partners, including Angers University Hospital, 3 technology parks, the Angers Loire Métropole economic development agency, 2 competitiveness clusters whose areas of excellence fall within e-health, the Groupement Régional d'Appui au Développement de la e-Santé des Pays de la Loire, the VYV 3 Pays de la Loire-Centich group, Digital Pharma Lab and AFM-Téléthon.
MOBIS is the Tiers-Lieu d'expérimentation dedicated to smart mobility in healthcare.

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experimental projects in progress

The Tiers Lieu service offering

MOBIS, targets the mobilities of the patient population, from the very young child to the elderly, broken down into three major themes:

  • Motricity: promoting physical activity, re-education and rehabilitation, preventing falls, etc.
  • Patient pathway: anticipate, fluidify, personalize the patient pathway;
  • Health territory: facilitating access to care for all.

The Tiers-Lieu MOBIS enables:

  • Providers of innovative digital solutions to benefit from experimental grounds and support to test usage, evaluate clinical and medico-economic interest, facilitate integration and ensure compliance of their digital solutions;
  • To healthcare professionals to have digital tools that are relevant to their day-to-day work and the quality of care, and a standardized method for evaluating and selecting innovative solutions;
  • To patients, families and caregivers to participate in the construction of proven digital solutions, facilitating access to care or improving their quality of life;
  • To innovation support players and funders to support innovative projects that meet the needs of end-users and tomorrow's medicine.

Tiers Lieu projects

Project 1: EMMVIES

Supplier: Ezygain

Solution: EMMVIES is a solution facilitating access to a rehabilitation and/or physical activity program, based on the AMY ENFANT treadmill and a virtual reality program.

Need : To provide access, at home, to a motivating, fun, facilitating, progressive rehabilitation or physical activity program of sufficient intensity to enable children with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or obesity to progress, preserve walking and muscle capital or engage in physical activity.

Tiers-Lieu's contribution: Methodological, medico-economic, legal, market and digital expertise. Gamified training, user experience, pilot study.

Project 2: P-AI (Patient Pathway Assisted by Artificial Intelligence)

Supplier: Lifen

Solution: P-AI software is a solution to help with pre-diagnosis and early referral of patients with rare diseases, based on AI algorithms.

Need : Help with early diagnosis of rare diseases and rapid referral to a reference center, in order to optimize its medical management: reduce therapeutic wandering, strengthen access and expertise sharing.

Third-Party Contribution
: Methodological, medico-economic, legal, market and digital expertise. Algorithm training on data from hospital health data warehouses.