Report on the 2022 Tour de France of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy

The "Digital Health" acceleration strategy, endowed with €670M, as part of the France 2030 plan, was officially launched on October 18, 2021.
A number of calls for projects and calls for expressions of interest have been opened, and projects have already been announced as winners.

The "Digital Health" 2022 Acceleration Strategy Tour de France means:

  • meeting those who are making digital health happen in the territories;
  • raising awareness of the funding plans available to project leaders;
  • also understanding what difficulties project leaders are encountering in their development.

This 1st edition was a success, and led to numerous meetings in all 4 corners of France.



More than 1,700



roundtables and workshops



More than 600

ecosystem players met

They went to meet the people who make digital life happen in the region.

A word from David SAINATI, interministerial coordinator for the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy:

As a former entrepreneur, meeting innovators is always a real pleasure for me. Discovering new innovations in digital health, understanding the expectations of project leaders, identifying the obstacles to project growth - these are all topics discussed at these meetings. This feedback enables us to move forward even further and more effectively implement the 35 actions of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy, whose objectives include improving citizens' healthy life expectancy and making access to care and prevention more equitable.


A word from Louise PIHOUEE, in charge of the Telehealth Mission at the Ministry of Health and Prevention, Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins:

The "Digital Health" Acceleration Strategy Tour de France has seen us move forward together on telehealth, meeting patients, professionals and manufacturers at stops in Bordeaux, Lille and La Réunion.
It enabled us to communicate on our telemedicine priorities, and on the major challenge of making digital solutions accessible to all, for which a call for projects has been launched, because there's still a lot to be done!
. Exchanges with the ecosystem are mutually enriching: the players are better informed of our orientations and of the telehealth framework, which is constantly evolving, and, on the part of the Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins, we discover innovative and promising projects in the field. This dialogue enables us to build a common vision and path together!

The word from Louis CULOT, in charge of "Digital Health" projects at the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Directorate General for Enterprise:


The Tour de France of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy enabled me to exchange with the digital health ecosystem to present and explain our actions aimed at digital health companies, while gathering valuable feedback from the field on the public policies we are pursuing. Thanks to this framework of informal exchanges, we received many suggestions from the ecosystem that will enable us to better adapt certain actions in the strategy


A word from François COURAUD, scientific advisor to the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de l'Insertion Professionnelle:

The stage held on February 1 at PariSanté Campus was a real success. From this prestigious and now referencing venue, nearly 600 listeners logged on and were able to exchange views on the various actions that are being carried out as part of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy. The "Compétences et métiers d'avenir" call for expressions of interest, which had been launched shortly beforehand, was advertised to numerous universities and institutes training medical and paramedical professionals. 9 consortia responded to the 1st call, dated February 28, 2022, demonstrating real expectations for digital health training.

A word from Jean-Christophe DANTONEL, Director of the Health Biotechnology program at the Secrétariat Général Pour l'Investissement:

A number of calls for projects and calls for expressions of interest have been launched as part of France 2030, whether recurring windows like the i-nov competition or dedicated ones like the Tiers-lieux competition. This tour of France has helped to publicize them, and to attract a large number of project sponsors. Winners have already been announced, such as for the AMI santé numérique (digital health) competition, and will benefit from significant support from the public authorities to accelerate their growth and boost innovation.


A look back at the tour de France of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy:

February 1st and 3rd in Paris and Saclay :

The 1st leg of the Tour de France of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy kicked off at PariSanté Campus with a day devoted entirely to skills training and the professions of the future, which enjoyed a large audience of over 500 listeners. A visit to the CEA and discussions at SATT Paris-Saclay provided an opportunity to exchange views with the region's research project leaders and start-ups.

February 24 and 25, in Nîmes and Montpellier:

The interministerial delegation was able to visit the sites of the universities of Nîmes and Montpellier, an EPHAD and a living lab.
2 round tables were held on the theme of Tiers lieux, for which the call for projects was concomitantly launched.

March 16 in Grenoble:

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has a dense medical imaging industry, as well as research teams working in this field. A round-table discussion highlighted the projects currently underway, but also highlighted a number of difficulties that are limiting the growth of companies.

March 24 in Bordeaux:

At the Cité Numérique on the French Tech premises, the delegation was able to exchange views with regional institutions and take part in a mini-showcase of e-health companies at SimforHEalth. The afternoon was dedicated to new uses, new practices and feedback from the digital age in mental health.

April 7 and 8 in Marseille and Sophia Antipolis:

A time of exchange took place in Marseille, in the presence of institutions and the local ecosystem. A 2nd exchange took place at the Maison de l'intelligence artificielle in Sophia Antipolis, on the issue of digital divides and digital inclusion. Lastly, the 3rd discussion session took place at the INRIA Center of the Université Côte d'Azur, where players from the Côte d'Azur's research, innovation and start-up sectors met.


May 10 in Lille:

The EURASANTE bio-incubator is a reference site for health and innovation. In addition to meeting with local players from the worlds of teaching, research and entrepreneurship, two round-table discussions were held under the leadership of the Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins on quality telehealth practices and telemonitoring organizations.

June 7, 8, 9 on Reunion Island:

The delegation traveled overseas and had the opportunity to exchange views with local players on the presentation of the various digital health funding plans, the promotion of research projects, innovation and digital solutions. The delegation visited the Technopole premises, the autism diagnostic center and GRADeS. A 1rst round table was dedicated to telehealth, and a 2nth on training.

June 15 in Rennes:

EHESP is a key site in the training of care professionals. 2 round tables were held, to discuss, on the occasion of the upcoming launch of the call for hospital health data warehouses, the production of quality and quantity of health data and their exploitation. At the CHU de Rennes, care and research teams and local companies were able to showcase their digital devices and latest innovations.


June 29 in Strasbourg:

This final leg of the Tour de France, also one of the last events of the PFUE, ended on an international note. The morning was punctuated by three roundtables focusing on cross-border cooperation between digital healthcare players for seamless care pathways, and the afternoon by six themed in-depth workshops, with the regional ecosystem and open to all.

They're driving digital healthcare in the region

Director of Digital Services ARS PACA.

A word from Géraldine Cornet GICQUEL

The Tour de France stage of the digital health acceleration strategy in PACA enabled us as ARS to bring together innovation players in our region, and to forge close relationships with our counterparts at DREETS, DRARI.
It was particularly exciting to meet start-ups and competitiveness clusters and discover the variety of projects. We were also able to pinpoint the needs of these players to move their projects forward and understand how we could help them.
Thanks to the various support programs presented, and the rich exchanges during these days, we are in a position to develop, with our partners at DREETS and DRARI, our support for innovation within our region by building on the SASN dynamic.


Project Manager, DRARI Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

A word from Astrid ASTIER

At the heart of the Grenoble area, the Digital Health sector is at a crossroads: that of digital technology, driven by years of development in microelectronics, and that of innovation in healthcare, spurred on by the local history of medical imaging and miniaturization in the field of medical devices. The Tour de France du Numérique en Santé was an ideal opportunity to bring together the players in these ecosystems, to strengthen their mutual understanding and to share the region's extraordinary assets. As an extension of the "Digital Health" Acceleration Strategy Tour de France, regular meetings are planned to strengthen synergies and collectively seize future opportunities.


Innovation and chemical-pharmaceutical-health sectors, DREETS Nouvelle-Aquitaine

A word from Marina GALICKI

The 4th leg of the Acceleration Strategy Tour de France in New Aquitaine (March 24, 2022) was an opportunity to showcase local players and meet the healthcare innovation ecosystem, of which Bordeaux promotes excellence.
With the support of the Service économique de l'Etat en région (SEER), we were able to organize meetings with regional project leaders and institutions in friendly premises that create unity of place and action, such as those of the Cité Numérique in the Bordeaux metropolis.
. The agile ecosystem conducive to the development of healthcare tech is being built and innovations are being created thanks to local support, such as the ALLIS-NA regional cluster, French Tech Bordeaux, universities, research organizations and university hospitals; but also thanks to the involvement of companies such as SimforHealth, which has agreed to host an exhibition space for 8 healthtech startups from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
This stage of the Tour de France was a great success. This stage of the Tour de France was marked by high-quality meetings in the field, which provided the interministerial team with feedback to adapt the actions of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy if necessary.
The coordination and organization of this Tour de France was a key factor in the success of the project. The coordination and organization of this type of event, thanks to the involvement of regional government departments, is a key success factor. The French government's regional economic service ensures and contributes to ensuring that territorial ecosystems meet the needs of companies, sources structuring projects for strategic sectors such as digital health, and advises investment project leaders.


Director, GRADeS TESIS, Indian Ocean

A word from Antoine LERAT

The Tour de France stopover in La Réunion enabled us to forge links with the various players in the local innovation ecosystem. Today, we're convinced of the benefits of getting to know each other better, so that we can work together to advance digital health in the region. The outcomes of these meetings will enable us to accelerate the emergence of innovative e-health projects in La Réunion!


Actions taken to meet your needs

During our meetings, participants brought to the attention of the delegation a number of issues that require particular attention. The public authorities, aware of these priorities, have already put in place support measures. The solutions proposed to address the issues raised are as follows:


Learn more about the actions implemented as part of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy.