Ordre national des pharmaciens
Support / Regulation
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Intervention zone
Regional / National
What is the Ordre national des pharmaciens?
L'Ordre national des pharmaciens is the institution that groups together all pharmacists practicing their art in Metropolitan France or in overseas departments and collectivities.
It is charged by law with fulfilling public service missions:
- Ensuring respect for professional duties;
- Defend the honor and independence of the profession;
- Ensure the competence of pharmacists;
- Contribute to promoting public health and the quality of care, in particular the safety of professional acts.
The Ordre national des pharmaciens is organizing the implementation of the Dossier Pharmaceutique, which lists, for each health insurance beneficiary who so wishes, all medicines dispensed over the last four months. Today, it is much more than that. In addition to securing patient dispensing, it secures the pharmaceutical supply chain, by offering services: DP-Ruptures, DP-Alerts, DP-Rappels, DP-Su suivi sanitaire.
I have a project. How can I contact the Ordre National des Pharmaciens?
Contacting our structure will be useful if you wish to integrate the Pharmaceutical File into your software: we will provide you with all the information and documentation you need to integrate one or more Pharmaceutical File services for healthcare professionals (in pharmacies and healthcare institutions) into your solution.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
In the feasibility study phase or at project startup:
- we provide you with documentation;
- we can work with you to qualify your needs and answer all your questions in terms of functional and technical integration, as well as interoperability.
During development: Docaposte, host/integrator of the DP, is at your disposal to support you in your developments. An iso-functional validation platform of the production platform is available for your tests and qualification.
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
- Cahier des charges éditeur LPS (Logiciel des Professionnels de Santé) (multifunctional) ;
- Validation repository ;
- Validation and training platform (for your tests and qualification; but also for your demonstrations).
Practical guide
All the questions you need to ask about the national order of pharmacists.
Who's the right person to talk to?
Send your questions to the CNOP's Health Technologies Department: dts@ordre.pharmacien.fr
Do you charge for your services?
The integration of DP services into software is free of charge for publishers. The use of services by end users is subject to the signature of an agreement for certain structures.
Can your organization support my project individually?
Yes, on all aspects of integrating DP services into a software solution for healthcare professionals.
4 Avenue Ruysdaël 75008 Paris
Healthcare innovation with the Ordre national des pharmaciens
In France, the Ordre national des pharmaciens plays a crucial role in promoting public health and quality of care. For healthcare innovators, understanding the role and missions of this organization is essential to developing projects that meet the current needs of the pharmaceutical sector. Pharmacists, members of the Ordre national, are healthcare professionals who work in pharmacies or online, selling medicines and advising patients.
Missions and Organization
The main mission of the Ordre national des pharmaciens is to ensure compliance with professional duties, defend the honor and independence of the profession, and monitor the competence of pharmacists practicing in the départements and collectivities. It also contributes to the promotion of public health and the quality of care, by guaranteeing the safety of professional acts. The Order is organized around a national council, which coordinates the actions of the central councils of the various sections, thus representing the profession in dealings with public authorities. The sections of the Ordre national des pharmaciens, such as the section des pharmaciens d'officine, are essential to the implementation of health policies at national level.
Innovation in pharmacies
Pharmacies, under the supervision of the Ordre national des pharmaciens, are undergoing major changes. The integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence and connected objects is improving operational efficiency and the quality of care. Pharmacies are becoming local health centers, offering services ranging from screening to teleconsultation. This evolution requires pharmacists to continually adapt to remain competitive and meet growing patient expectations. The online sale of medicines is also a developing sector, but it must comply with current health codes and regulations.
Data protection and regulation
In the context of innovation, the protection of health data is paramount. Pharmacists must comply with data protection standards to guarantee the confidentiality and security of sensitive information. The Ordre National des Pharmaciens works with the relevant authorities to provide guides and action plans tailored to pharmacies, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Electronic pharmaceutical records are an example of the implementation of these measures, facilitating access to data while protecting patient privacy. The central councils and sections of the Ordre national des pharmaciens play a key role in implementing these policies.
Opportunities for innovators
For innovators wishing to enter the healthcare sector, the Ordre national des pharmaciens offers a solid regulatory and professional framework. Projects can focus on improving healthcare services, digitizing pharmacies, or developing new business models for pharmacies. Working in collaboration with healthcare professionals, innovators can create solutions that meet the specific needs of both patients and pharmacists. Job vacancies in this sector are plentiful, offering opportunities for both incumbent pharmacists and new graduates. Local sections of the Ordre national des pharmaciens are often involved in these initiatives, in conjunction with regional councils.
In summary
In summary, the Ordre national des pharmaciens is an essential partner for any innovation in the French healthcare sector. By understanding its missions and role, innovators can develop projects that not only meet professional standards but also improve the quality of care and public health. The sections of the Ordre national des pharmaciens, as well as the regional and central councils, play a key role in defending the honor and professional duties of pharmacists.