Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues
Support / Regulation
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Health / Medical Device
Intervention zone
Regional / National
What is the Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues?
The Order guarantees the quality of care, skills, ethics, organization and discipline of the profession in the general interest through its National Council and Regional Councils.
- Assures the defense of the honor and'independence of the profession;
- Controls access to the profession;
- Drafts and ensures evolution of the profession's Code of Ethics;
- Is a privileged interlocutor for patients by ensuring the competence of chiropodists, the quality of care and the legality of their practice;
- Intervenes with public authorities to ensure that the legislative and regulatory texts governing the profession evolve, and issues opinions during important public health and healthcare organization issues.
I have a project. How can I get in touch with the Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues?
- Learn about the regulations that apply to the profession, particularly with regard to information, data security and innovation;
- Be informed about the ethical and deontological rules that organize relations between chiropodists, between patients and chiropodists, between other healthcare professionals and chiropodists;
- Ensure that each project aimed at the chiropodist has no commercial implications that could interfere with his or her relationship with the patient.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
At the start of the project when it involves the chiropodist in order to provide legal expertise and not place the chiropodist in an anti-ethical situation.
At the end of the project to assess the legal contours.
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
Practical guide
All the questions you need to ask about the Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues
Who's the right person to talk to?
Mail address: contact@cnopp.fr
Do I have to pay to use the services of the Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues?
Can the Ordre National des Pédicures-Podologues provide individual support for my project?
116 Rue de la Convention 75015 Paris