Type of actor
Research player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device
Intervention zone

What is Inria?
Inria is the French national institute for research in digital science and technology. World-class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk are its DNA. Within 200 project teams, most of which are shared with major research universities, more than 3,500 researchers and engineers are exploring new avenues, often in an interdisciplinary manner and in collaboration with industrial partners, to meet ambitious challenges.
As a technology institute, Inria supports the diversity of innovation paths: From open-source software publishing to the creation of technology startups (Deeptech).
- Increase knowledge and explore new fields in the digital sciences
- Encourage and support technology transfers to the business world and society, thus helping increase the competitiveness of French and European companies.
- Develop large-scale software technologies
I have a project, how can contacting Inria be of use to me?
If you have identified a scientific obstacle that does not have an existing technological solution, the research teams may be able to find answers or provide the expertise to help build one.
Also, if you have a project and can contribute an advanced technology, the Inria Studio Startup program can support you during the initial design phase of your project.
At what stage of my project should I contact them?
As soon as you are able to formulate an expression of need or present your creative project and its technological basis.
Découvrir INRIA en vidéo

J'ai un projet, en quoi entrer en contact avec Inria m'est utile ?
- Si vous avez identifié un verrou scientifique qui n’a pas de solution à l’état de l’art technologique, il peut exister des réponses au sein des équipes de recherche ou la compétence pour contribuer à la construire ;
- Également, si vous êtes porteur d’un projet et apportez une technologie avancée, le programme Inria Studio Startup peut vous accompagner durant la première phase de design de votre projet. De nombreux profils peuvent bénéficier du programme Inria Startup Studio : doctorants, postdoctorants, stagiaires, ingénieurs ou chercheurs salariés d’Inria (permanents ou non), salariés d’autres établissements de recherche français partenaires, porteurs de projets (avec une technologie) extérieurs à Inria. Un projet peut être porté par une ou plusieurs personnes, mais l’équipe doit compter au moins un scientifique (chercheur ou ingénieur) Inria ou non Inria.
À quelle phase de mon projet entrer en contact ?
Dès que vous êtes en mesure de formuler une expression de besoin ou de présenter votre projet de création et sa base technologique.
Finance-t-elle des projets ?
Inria Startup Studio peut financer le porteur de projet pendant la phase de construction de son projet entrepreneurial : financement à temps plein et par étapes de six mois. Ce financement peut durer un an et s’étendre à plusieurs personnes de l'équipe des fondateurs.
Find out more
Practical Guide
Frequently asked questions about Inria.
Who is the right person to contact?
Sophie Pellat and Hervé Lebret co-chair Inria Startup Studio. Their experience with digital deeptech startups, investment funds and private investors, along with their roles of strategic advice, guidance and codesign, help to accelerate projects.
Startup Studio contact:
Does Inria charge for its services?
For existing companies, we can grant licenses for use, finance the development with your own funds with Research Tax Credit approval, and respond to national or European calls for tenders.
For Startup Studio support, you commit to working exclusively on your entrepreneurial project and to conducting the launch in concert with Inria. This results in the signing of a maturation agreement at the beginning of the programme.
Can Inria support my project individually?
Everything is decided on a case-by-case basis and is need-dependent. It can be operational support for 6 to 12 months, funding for people, financial support for software and some jobs in France.
Can Inria help me raise funds?
Inria puts you in touch with private investors and funds that are part of the vast network we have developed, though without taking on the responsibility of helping to raise funds, which falls under what a funder can provide.
Avenue de Voluceau 78150 Le Chesnay-Rocquencourt