Federation of Private Hospitals (FHP)



Type of actor

Health Federation

Fields of intervention


Intervention zone


What is the FHP?

The FHP is the Federation of Private Hospitalization. It brings together 1,030 private clinics and hospitals that provide care for 9 million patients every year. Around 150,000 employees (care, administrative and technical staff) work in private healthcare establishments, and 40,000 doctors practice there.

Go to the FHP website

Missions :

The FHP assumes a dual role:

  • It represents private clinics and hospitals in dealings with supervisory authorities, the Ministry and the industry's employee unions. The FHP also develops actions to raise public awareness of the quality of care and their essential role within the French healthcare system.
  • It informs, advises and assists its members in economic, legal and social matters.

I have a project. How can contacting the FHP help me?

  • The FHP leads a working group dedicated to digital issues made up of healthcare facility IS experts. Their expertise may, on certain projects, be called upon.
  • The FHP can also contribute to the dissemination of service offers to its members within the framework of partnerships. These partnerships may provide for the company's mention, presence or intervention at national or regional events bringing together FHP members, as well as the dissemination of information from the company in FHP communication media intended for its members.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?

When your offer is finalized and may be of direct interest to FHP member healthcare facilities.

Does it finance projects?


Accessible resources

  • Information documents on the composition and operation of private healthcare facilities;
  • FHP events;
  • FHP magazine and communication media .

Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about FHP

Who's the right person to talk to?

Bertrand Sommier, General Secretary - bertrand.sommier@fhp.fr

Is there a charge for FHP services?

Partnerships with companies come at a price.

Can your organization support my project individually?


106 Rue d'Amsterdam 75009 Paris