Deploying my solution and training my customers


  • Your software complies with the Implementation Guide produced by the ANS
  • You have been authorised by the CNDA
  • You ensure interoperability

Our advice

  • This is the last step of your INS step-by-step guide: Explain to your customers how the INS will change things, the good it will do, etc.

09. Informing your clients and providing them with the documentation

Ensure that your clients are aware of the project's main documents




Understanding how the INS works

A guide to understanding the basics of the INS and the key requirements for identity security

The regulatory and legal framework

The set of security measures that govern the recording of health data with the INS.

INS webinars for healthcare facilities

Understanding and implementing the National e-Health ID (INS) in healthcare facilities

Watch the replay

INS webinars for medical and social care facilities

Understanding and implementing the National e-Health ID (INS) in medical and social care facilities

Watch the replay


You have completed the guide

You now know all the steps involved in implementing INS.

Download the entire INS step-by-step guide as well as the checklist summarising all the actions to be taken

Mon parcours guidé INS