ARS regional calls for projects (AAP) or calls for expressions of interest (AMI)
Type of financing
Common law / Experimentation
Context of use
Purpose of the system
The ARS regional AAP/AMI fund actions / experiments promoting the integration of innovative solutions (organizational, technological, social) in the responses provided to the region's populations.
Each ARS decides each year on the themes and types of innovative solutions to be funded as a priority in its territory, in light of the region's healthcare challenges and priorities. AAP/AMI are then published by each ARS to identify projects for funding.
Is this scheme right for my project?
- To qualify for a subsidy, my project must meet the criteria set out in the specifications of the AAP/AMI of the ARS (health theme, target population, type of solution sought...). These AAP/AMI are published on the website of each ARS.
- Health structures are eligible for AAP/AMI subsidies. To benefit from a subsidy, a company must therefore partner with a health structure that will carry the project. Healthcare structures must ensure that they respect the public procurement framework in their relationship with the company.
- If the project is selected, the project leader (healthcare structure or consortium led by a healthcare structure)contracts with the ARS on the objectives of the project for a specified period, undertakes to ensure its follow-up, to justify the use of funds, and generally to produce evaluation elements (notably performance, efficiency, satisfaction indicators...) or capitalization on the contributions of the solution experimented.
Type of financing
Generally focused on project start-up and engineering, the grant is generally paid in two stages (advance at the beginning of the project and balance at the end), for a fixed period
The Regional Intervention Fund (FIR) is not intended to finance the ongoing costs of a solution, after the experimentation period.
Location of financing
Amount of financing
The amount of funding depends on each project. The maximum amount authorized (overall for the region, or per project) is specified in the specifications for each PAA/MAI.
Calendar / periodicity
At the hand of each ARS. Not all ARS publish AAP/AMI related to digital health.
Carrier type
The project must be carried out by a healthcare structure (e.g. public and private healthcare establishments, social and medico-social establishments and services, healthcare networks, maisons de santé, healthcare centers, healthcare clusters, staff from these organizations, associations working in the sector, public bodies, in particular local authorities or public establishments for inter-communal cooperation...
.Conditions to be met
These conditions are defined in the specifications of each AAP/AMI.
Note: unlike the "article 51" scheme, the AAP/AMI do not allow for a derogatory framework: experimentation must therefore comply with the state of regulations and common law (authorized practice framework for professionals, authorized activities, existing funding...).
How to apply
By applying to the AAP/AMI, according to the procedures defined in the specifications of each AAP/AMI.
Frequently asked questions
How can I find out about the AAP/AMI launched by the ARS?
The AAP/AMI are published on the websites of each ARS.
Is it a good idea to contact the ARS outside the AAP/AMI to present my solution?
You can contact the ARS outside the AAP/AMI to offer to present your solution. However, ARS does not systematically meet with all companies that request this type of presentation.