Category C1

Assisted living, disability

What solutions are in category C1?

These are those that provide personalized information to compensate for a situation of disability or loss of autonomy.

Is medical CE marking required?

Digital solutions in this category may require CE marking if they claim a medical purpose: diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for injury or disability.

Target users

These solutions are intended for people with disabilities, loss of autonomy or their caregivers.

Existing funding

  • Only medical devicesfor individual useintended to compensate for a disability are eligible for reimbursement by health insurance via the LPP. However, these DMs must not have the function of home improvement.
  • Digital solutions to aid living or compensate for disabilityfor collective usecould be covered via the APA or PCH.
  • The patient may cover a digital solution in this category if he/she deems it beneficial for his/her use.


A connected bracelet

We consider a bracelet that detects an elderly person's fall combined with a home teleassistance device that transmits an alarm to a platform. The whole isan example of an assisted living solution. The connected bracelet combined with an accelerometer and altimetry sensor aims to identify acceleration, fall, loss of gravity and determine whether the person is getting up or not.
It could be eligible for LPP coverage.