Call for projects "Accompanying and supporting the creation of hospital health data warehouses" (EDS)
Constituting and consolidating hospital health data warehouses.
75 M€
committed budget
What is the EDS Call for Projects?
The France 2030 call for projects (AAP) "Accompanying and supporting the constitution of hospital health data warehouses" is led by the DGOS and operated by Bpifrance with the support of the Health Data Hub.
Its objective is twofold:
- construct and consolidate healthcare data warehouses in healthcare establishments;
- in the long term, to set up a national network promoting the production and fluid sharing of healthcare data, as well as its exploitation between public and private players in research and innovation.
The six prizewinners, from the first batch, were selected for the relevance and potential of their projects, and have been awarded an overall grant of almost €40 million over 40 months.
Watch the winners' presentations
Winners by region

List of winners
Wave 1 - April 2023
Project : ACCES
Lead partner : AP-HP (Ile de France)
Project : eDOL
Lead partner : CHU de Montpellier
Lead partner : GCS Grand Est
Projet : ODH 2.0
Lead partner : GCS HUGO and ODH
Project : EDS NOVA
Lead partner : GCS NOVA
Project : ONCODS
Lead partner : UNICANCER
Wave 2 - December 2023
Project: ANDH
Lead partner : CHU de la Martinique
Project : DATA4HEALTH2
Lead partner: GCS G4 - Groupement des CHU d'Amiens, Caen, Lille et Rouen
Lead partner : GCS des CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lyon et Saint-Etienne
Lead partner : CH Intercommunaux de Créteil et de Villeneuve Saint Georges
Project: EDGAR 2030
Lead partner : Hôpital Foch
Project : EDS ELSAN
Lead partner : GCS ELSAN
Project : EDS GHU Paris
Lead partner : Groupe hospitalier universitaire Paris - Psychiatry and neurosciences
Lead partner : CHU de Nice
Project : HD4C
Lead partner : CHU de Reims
Projet : Health Data 3OI
Lead partner: Toulouse University Hospital