Maturation-pre-maturation - Call for proposals

Setting up support systems for pre-maturation and maturation activities


What is the objective of the action?

This Call for Proposals aims to intensify and strengthen the support chain for high-potential innovation projects, and accelerate their transfer to the socio-economic world, to the benefit of national acceleration strategies


Who is it for ?

  • Technology transfer offices (OTT)


Value a critical segment of the innovation cycle aimed at overcoming technical-economic or organizational hurdles and leveraging the dissemination of new solutions stemming from public research.



The beneficiaries of this Call for Proposals must attest to a significant commitment and experience of investment and support in project pre-maturation and maturation over the last 5 years and must demonstrate their ability to continue their intervention in these same fields.

Eligible structures for this AAP are technology transfer offices (OTT).

These are the technology transfer mechanisms set up by higher education and research establishments, schools and research organizations to fulfill their technology transfer mission: technology transfer acceleration companies (SATT) are therefore the target.