Call for export projects

Ensure synchronization with European R&D, industry and data-sharing strategy.

What is the objective of the action?

This action is designed to ensure continuity between the measures taken as part of the digital health acceleration strategy and the measures aimed at European-scale projects.

This action is designed to ensure continuity between the measures taken as part of the digital health acceleration strategy and the measures aimed at European-scale projects.

Who is it for ?

To the entire ecosystem contributing:

  • regulation
  • to funding for R&D, industry and data sharing
  • .

Key information

Action launched


This action aims to ensure good continuity between measures carried out as part of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy and schemes aimed at projects with a European scope, in particular by:

  • The production of information content on European schemes in G_NIUS;
  • The drafting of a roadmap for extending the ambitions of the acceleration strategy to the European level ;


Following on from thework currently being carried out by the European Commission and as part of the PFUE in the 1st half of 2022, a major action aims to lead a European synchronization in R&D, industry and data sharing.

This action therefore aims to specifically support innovative French digital healthcare companies already established on the national market and wishing to accelerate their deployment on new markets.
This support program was co-constructed after consultation with the main government export players, companies and their main trade unions, as well as diplomatic posts.
It capitalizes on the success of existing initiatives, while remaining incentive-based and tailored to the digital health sector.

The European Commission is currently pursuing a proactive policy in terms of European electronic medical records, cross-border exchanges of health data or prescription capabilities, cohorts and clinical trials at European level, infrastructures to host Health data.

It is important that the actions put in place at French level take account of these international developments, in particular by ensuring the proper articulation of the measures of the digital health acceleration strategy with the following initiatives:

Action roadmap

  • S2 2022

    Framing the action

  • S1 2024

    Action launch