Digital healthcare in Lithuania

Key figures

2.8 M


7.81 %

of GDP dedicated to healthcare spending in 2021



A mixed public-private healthcare system

The healthcare system is mainly funded by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) under a compulsory health insurance scheme.
The Ministry of Health, with the support of specialized agencies, formulates health policy and regulations. The 60 municipalities are responsible for organizing the provision of primary care, public health and social services to their populations.

Digital health innovation as a catalyst for healthcare system evolution

In 2015, a national electronic infrastructure for healthcare services was set up. To date, it enables healthcare professionals and patients to access patients' health records, including electronic prescriptions, electronic discharges, laboratory test results, medical imaging reports, hospital discharge reports, COVID-19 certificates, etc.
In 2021, the government passed the law on the reuse of health data, which paves the way for regulating the secondary use of health data, ahead of the publication of the European regulation on the health data space.

How to access the Lithuanian digital healthcare market?

1. The six steps to setting up a business in Lithuania

As an entrepreneur, you first need to prepare the articles of association and the agreement to set up the business. Secondly, it is necessary to open a business bank account and transfer the share capital to this capitalization account. Thirdly, it is necessary to notarize the creation agreement document at a registered notary's office. Finally, it is necessary to register the company with the Register of Legal Entities and convert the accumulation bank account into a settlement account.

Click here to find out more about the timeframes and steps involved in setting up a company in Lithuania.

2. Obtain marketing authorization from the Lithuanian National Agency for the Control of Medicines by submitting the appropriate form.

The Agence nationale de contrôle des médicaments conducts the scientific evaluation of marketing authorization applications, the supervision of manufacturing authorization holders and the supervision of clinical trials.

You will find here the marketing authorization application form.

3. Contact Invest Lithuania for help deploying your digital solution

"Invest Lithuania" is the national agency in charge of foreign direct investment and business development. The agency assists in decision-making for new operations by providing in-depth market and industry information, advice on business costs and information on the legal framework and local labor.

4. Obtain financial support

There are several ways to obtain financial support for companies. Invest LT+ is an example of financial assistance covering employment costs in the form of reimbursement.

Innovation hubs

These innovation centers bring together players in the digital health field and facilitate their incubation in the market


Life Sciences Center

An innovative new center with modern laboratory equipment and top-level scientific research services


Startups in the healthcare sector

Some examples of the 105 startups active in the field of health technologies in Lithuania