Digital healthcare in the Netherlands

Key figures

17,44 M


10.13% of GDP

health expenses


provinces act as liaison between the state and municipalities


Three systems for universal coverage

  1. The Dutch healthcare system is mainly covered by a social insurance system made up of 11 health insurance funds. The state makes basic health insurance compulsory for all citizens and defines a set of benefits that these funds must provide to citizens. Four health insurance funds cover the majority of Dutch residents: Zilveren Kruis (Achmea), VGZ, CZ en Menzis. They are represented by the Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) association.
  2. The 11 insurance funds that provide compulsory basic insurance also offer supplementary insurance to cover care excluded from basic insurance, such as dental care and physiotherapy.
  3. Long-term care accounts for 10.8% of the Dutch healthcare budget in 2021 as one of the government's priorities is to ensure that the elderly can receive care at home. Most of this care is state-funded. Social benefits are also paid for by taxes and organized by municipalities.

Meeting the ambassadors

Esther Hogenhout, Innovation, Science and Technology Counsellor at the Dutch Embassy in France

How do I set up in the Netherlands?

1. The Dutch government's Zorgvoorinnoveren page for healthcare innovators

Zorgooninnoveren is a one-stop shop that informs, advises and connects healthcare entrepreneurs and innovators to the healthcare ecosystem. Zorgooninnoveren facilitates interactions between entrepreneurs and all the players in the ecosystem. A contact form is also available on their site for personalized support.
The funding page on their site also lists funding that healthcare innovators can take advantage of in the Netherlands. It concentrates all the opportunities on offer in one place, including those from the Dutch Enterprise Agency and ZonMw.

2. Health Holland's website for more opportunities

Alongside the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and Climate is responsible for stimulating innovation in the Netherlands. To this end, it defines priorities named "Top Sectors". Health Holland is the government organization responsible for mobilizing the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem. To this end, Health Holland organizes meetings, facilitates public-private cooperation, offers a coaching service for start-ups and lists financing opportunities for innovative companies.

3. The NeLL cluster to join

The NeLL cluster is the national laboratory for digital health. It offers a digital platform and provides a physical space for players in the digital health ecosystem in the Netherlands. Any player can join NeLL and find a first point of contact to integrate the Dutch market.

4. Innovation hubs to join

5. The Zorginstituut Nederlando where healthcare innovations can be verified

The Zorginstituut Nederland ensures that all care reimbursed by the Dutch state complies with Dutch safety and quality standards.

6. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport decides on reimbursement.

The Dutch Ministry of Health defines which healthcare solutions are reimbursed in the Netherlands. The Ministry makes its decision on the basis of advice from the Zorginstituut, but is independent in its decision-making. The Ministry decides on the acceptance and respective rates of all health services and care to be reimbursed by the health insurance funds.

7. Promote digital health innovation

The site Zorg van Nu is available for patients and healthcare professionals. In particular, the site helps to bring visibility to its digital healthcare solution.