Tour de France de la SASN, Grand Est - Cross-border cooperation for the benefit of care paths




09h30 à 12h00

IRCAD, 1 Pl. de l'Hôpital, 67000 Strasbourg

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Stage 9 - Greater East of 29 June 2022 - Cross-border cooperation for the benefit of care paths

Focus on cross-border cooperation for the benefit of care pathways

Site officiel du Tour de France de la stratégie d’accélération « Santé numérique »

The Ministerial eHealth Delegation of the French Ministry of Health and Prevention is organizing a “Tour of France” of its Digital Health Acceleration Strategy (SASN), with 9 stages, the last one taking place in Strasbourg on June 29, 2022. Each stage of the SASN will provide an opportunity to share all parts of the strategy and funding opportunities, but also to highlight major local, regional, national and European issues, to meet and discuss with all stakeholders of the digital health ecosystem.

Since June 29 will be close to the end of the current French presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFEU), this event will be opportunity to highlight European initiatives. It will thereby reflect the identity of the crossborder Grand Est region, which, in the heart of the European Union, has almost 800 km of borders with Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

In order to provide efficient, preventive, personalized and humanistic health care to patients in this large cross-border region, it is necessary to understand how healthcare pathways are structured and connected between and in each of these four countries, how collaborations are carried out in practice and which lessons and innovations can be shared. In this context, and with many already existing cross-border projects and initiatives, the June 29 stage will address the question of cross-border cooperation for improved healthcare pathways, connect regional project leaders, highlight success stories of existing projects, but also identify challenges that limit their possibilities of exploitation.

The Ministerial eHealth Delegation and their local partners and regional agencies including ARS, DREETS, DRARI and GRADeS, would therefore like to invite you to attend a presentation of the Digital health acceleration strategy, a presentation of the French EU Presidency and two roundtables on the topic of cross-border cooperation for improved healthcare pathways.

This event will be hybrid and take place in the amphitheater of IRCAD, the French Institute for Research into Cancer of the Digestive System (known in French as Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif) which is located in Strasbourg, France. 

The roundtables will more broadly explore the issues surrounding the primary use and sharing of health data across borders, specifically in the Grand Est border region. How should we structure crossborder data exchanges? What incentive mechanisms exist to improve data exchange for crossborder patient pathways ? What is at stake when considering the use of health data by public and private actors, or even by citizens themselves?

3 round tables are organized at IRCAD from 9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. :

Roundtable 1 : Digital health for the benefit of cross-border healthcare trajectories - European initiatives

Each EU Member State is sovereign in matters of healthcare. The funding and organization of healthcare is different in each Member State. Therefore, Europe presents  multiple faces in terms of healthcare. However, the European Union wishes and must guarantee access to healthcare for all citizens. Digital health provides for the possibility to link countries in terms of data sharing under the European directive on cross-border healthcare, one of the flagship projects of the European Union in health. This roundtable will present a selection of European initiatives in place to enable patients to benefit from healthcare across European borders. It will highlight experiences of several countries in the Grand Est cross-border region that have implemented some of these initiatives and open the discussion to new proposals for initiatives and cross border collaboration.

Speakers :

  • Angelica Cavalcante, French eHealth agency (ANS)
  • Konstantin Hyppönen, European Reference Networks, European Commission
  • Marc Loutrel, Innovation and International department, French eHealth agency (ANS)  
  • Georgios Margetidis,  EU4Health programme at Health and Digital Executive Agency, European Commission
  • Hervé Barge, Luxembourg eHealth Agency

Roundtable 2 : Digital health for the benefit of cross-border healthcare collaborations - “Innovative territories”

Innovation in digital health at the territorial level requires the commitment of all public and private sector actors to ensure a collective dynamic. In the Grand Est region, this approach is reflected by the presence of two structuring projects that have won the national call for projects "Innovative Territories", whose purpose is to finance the testing of technologies and new services in real world conditions, and experimental deployments of sufficient size to represent the territorial development models of tomorrow. The two projects are led by local authorities: Territoires de santé de demain (Health Territory of Tomorrow) led by the Strasbourg Eurometropolis and E-meuse santé led by the Meuse department council.
The proximity of the Health Territory of Tomorrow project with Germany has led to the establishment of a collaboration with a German company, Optimedis. Optimedis is the local operator in charge of transforming the local health system into a more integrated version of the existing one, deploying an integrated healthcare model at the territory level. The cross-border cooperation of Optimedis within the framework of the Health Territory of Tomorrow project will benefit the territory of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis from some of the lessons learned from German regions such as Kinzigtal. This roundtable will present a selection of local initiatives implemented to allow patients to benefit from these eHealth innovations and experimentations.

Speakers :

  • Sandra Chaloub, Grand E-Nov+, France
  • Dr. Manfred Zahorka, OptiMedis AG, Germany
  • Fanny Loux, Eurometropolis, France 
  • Jean-Charles Dron, eMeuse Santé, France

IRCAD, 1 Pl. de l'Hôpital, 67000 Strasbourg