Matinale du Numérique en Santé Occitanie (Digital Health in Occitania)

Les matinales de la filière Numérique en Santé en Occitanie return with the theme of the business model. Don't miss this unique opportunity to boost your project and exchange ideas with industry experts!
The program
8:45am | Introduction and Background
- Business model: common mistakes in the digital healthcare sector - Adriana Georges Chargée d'affaires - Business Development and Acceleration - Nubbo.
- Support solutions - Adriana Georges Nubbo, Morgane Miltgen Eurobiomed and Charline Garnier Agence AD'OCC.
- Sêmeia: building a sustainable business model for the healthcare sector - Carole Tinardon product and marketing director - Sêmeia.
- Succeeding go to market in the medico-social sector: the Natural Pad experience - Antoine Seilles founder Natural Pad.
- Temps d'échanges partage d'actualités
9h45 |Conclusion et perspectives