AI4Health 2025
Discover the latest advances in AI for healthcare
The PR[AI]RIE Institute and the Health Data Hub, in partnership with PariSanté Campus, are pleased to invite you to the AI4Health Conference to be held on June 30, 2025📅 at Université PSL (16 bis rue de l'Estrapade, 75005 Paris) and online💻.
This day will cover the latest advances in AI applied to healthcare with conferencesand round tables accessible to all (industrialists, healthcare professionals, public institutions), led by international experts and representatives of hospital innovation. You can follow this day in face-to-face or distance learning.
This first conference day marks the opening of the AI4Health summer school, which will continue with three days of scientific courses and practical sessions, from July 1 to 3📅 (face-to-face only), for which you can also register.
🌐For more information: consult the AI4Health Summer School website
All sessions will be held in English.
Among the speakers are renowned researchers and professors, such as:
● Pr Joachim BEHAR, Director of the Technion-Rambam AI
medical initiative
● Dr Ninon BURGOS, CNRS Researcher, Paris Brain Institute, PRAIRIE
● Dr Leo Anthony CELI, Researcher at MIT
● Pr Jakob Nikolas KATHER, Professor of Clinical AI, University of Dresden
● Pr David SONTAG, Professor of Computer Science, MIT
● Dr Gaël VAROQUAUX, Research Director, INRIA
● Pr Thomas WALTER, Researcher at Institut Curie, PRAIRIE
As well as representatives from hospital innovation departments or major
international players:
● AP-HP (France), represented by Pr. Etienne GAYAT
● Charité Clinic (Germany), represented by Pr. Petra RITTER
● Cleveland Clinic (USA), represented by Jeffrey BUDZINSKI
● Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden)
● Mayo Clinic (USA)
● Sheba Medical Center (Israel)
● Doctolib (France)
● Nabla (France)
● CPRD (UK), represented by Tim WILLIAMS
...and many more to come!