Setting up the development environment
Retrieving the technical documentation from your Espace Industriel on the GIE SESAM-Vitale website. Contracting with the CNDA to obtain the Carte Vitale test cards and access the test environments. Ordering your CPx test cards or test certificates from the ANS.
You must have downloaded and read the documentation base
Our advice
- Order your CPx test cards or test certificates as soon as possible, as they may take a while to come.
- If you already have an account on the GIE SESAM-Vitale Espace Industriel, download the documentation relating to the INSi teleservice directly.
- If you have already signed a contract with the CNDA, connect directly to your personal space and sign the special conditions of the INSi teleservice.
02. Downloading the technical documentation from the GIE SESAM-Vitale
The GIE SESAM-Vitale supports software publishers in developing their solutions and integrating the INSi teleservice.
At the GIE SESAM-Vitale’s Espace Industriels, you can get all the technical documentation for developing calls to the INSi teleservice.
03. Signing a contract with the CNDA and accessing your account
The CNDA is the National Centre for Filing and Accreditation.
This organisation authorises your software to use the teleservices implemented by the Health Insurance Fund, including the INSi teleservice.
04. Getting the equipment to develop INSi teleservice calls
The ANS is the French Digital Health Agency
This body issues the CPx test cards and the test certificates.
Download the entire INS step-by-step guide as well as the checklist summarising all the actions to be taken
Mon parcours guidé INSANS_INS_Checklist_editeur_V1.xlsx