Deciphering international e-health

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A pioneer in reimbursing digital innovation and healthcare applications

  • This is the first country to implement a "fast track" for mobile app reimbursement (DiGA)
  • The government has introduced a new two-pronged digital health policy consisting of a general digitization of healthcare services as well as regulations on secondary health data

Several initiatives to drive the digital transformation of healthcare

  • At European level, very active participation by the country in major health information projects
  • About 10.14 million Belgians have given the green light to electronic sharing of their health data.
  • is the platform to facilitate and standardize the registration of health data

Five regions to organize and provide care

  • Health databases are at the heart of the national dematerialized and secure
  • Several dedicated agencies, including the national investment agency Invest in Denmark, drive the development of digital healthcare innovation in the country

The 17 autonomous communities are responsible for healthcare

  • Each autonomous community defines its health and innovation policy, and together, that of Spain.
  • The private sector occupies an important place in the country and plays a key role in healthcare innovation.

A pioneering country in digital healthcare

  • It reconciles e-health and safety
  • Connected Health Cluster, integrated into the Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, isthe first digital health innovation center.

Close collaboration between the French government and the digital healthcare ecosystem

  • Digital health and innovation in Finland are the remit of the state, which works closely with healthcare industries, healthcare institutions and universities.
  • A system of test beds enables innovators to test their products directly on Finnish hospital equipment.
  • Findata is the one-stop shop for Finnish health and social data.

A universal healthcare system, regulated at central level and structured at territorial level

  • Financing and service delivery are provided by a mixed system, comprising a National Health Service (NHS), employment-based health insurance and private providers. The country has seven administrations responsible within their areas of competence for coordinating and implementing health policies and actions.
  • Several healthcare clusters and innovation and research centers are there to accompany entrepreneurs and facilitate market awareness.

A single health insurance fund covers healthcare for almost all residents

Pioneering support for Medtech companies, thanks to a favorable regulatory environment and mechanisms to facilitate market access

  • More than 300 Medtech companies in attendance, including 14 of the top 15 global MedTech companies.
  • In 2024, a new government strategy "Digital for Care" to foster digital healthcare.

Universality and equality are the pillars of the Italian healthcare system

  • The Italian healthcare system is highly decentralized thanks to the 125 local healthcare agencies (ASL) which are responsible for providing the healthcare basket to the population
  • Each region retains its autonomy in organizing its healthcare system, and an Essential Level of Assistance (ELA) must always be guaranteed to citizens.
  • Now 16 billion euros are being invested between 2021 and 2026 to digitize the healthcare system, via the Next Generation Italy plan.

A centralized e-health system, based on the deployment of electronic medical records

  • All healthcare data in Lithuania is digitized and medical records can be accessed on a single e-health platform, respecting the principle of "one patient, one medical record, one care path"
  • "Invest Lithuania" is an investment promotion agency that informs, connects and supports international companies in Lithuania.

A commitment to quality and innovation to guarantee an inclusive healthcare system

  • The healthcare system in Luxembourg is patient-centered and guarantees universal access to care, whether for residents or foreign workers
  • In 2023, Luxembourg published its Plan National Santé (PNS) for the next 10 years. In particular, it includes a section on digital health, which aims to put in place more investment to improve the interoperability of IT systems and promote access to and sharing of healthcare data.

A country outside the EU but strongly committed to European healthcare projects

  • 2013: Deployment of electronic prescribing.
  • 2018: Integration of medical records into the emergency medicine pathway.
  • 2023: Launch of the new national strategy by the Norwegian e-Health Directorate for the period 2023-2030.
  • 2024: Project leader PREVENT NCD

The Netherlands

A competitive market with a large number of health insurance companies

  • Basic health insurance is mandatory for all citizens. The social insurance system is made up of 11 funds.
  • The Zorgvoorinnoveren platform helps entrepreneurs decipher the Dutch ecosystem and gives them access to the country's financing opportunities.

The Polish eHealth Center and the Ministry of Health's Innovation Department develop the digitization of the healthcare system

  • The role of the Center for eHealth is to develop the use of electronic medical records and electronic prescriptions
  • .
  • The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub supports innovative medical solutions to increase the efficiency of the Polish healthcare system

Innovation is fostered by a dynamic R&D and entrepreneurial ecosystem

The Health Cluster Portugal, made up of 223 stakeholders representing the Portuguese healthcare ecosystem, and contributes to the success of the national healthcare innovation policy.

The Republic of Cyprus

The national e-health authority integrates digital health into a comprehensive national policy and supports its deployment.

  • The national e-health authority, is responsible for supporting the development of digital health innovations. It is also responsible for integrating and aligning e-health with other national strategic health policy objectives.
  • eHealth4U is a research project that is developing a prototype for a national electronic medical record system and defining the structure and content of this system.

The Republic of Malta

An ecosystem conducive to the establishment of new businesses, fostered by various support initiatives

  • MyHealth: a single platform to access numerous digital health services
  • Integration with MySanté@EU from its debut in 2019

Czech Republic

Innovation in digital health, a major government priority

Digital health innovation is fostered by:

  • The creation of a centre of competence in telemedicine in 2019 by the Ministry of Health, which provides expertise and evaluation of healthcare innovations.
  • The creation of a remote monitoring program AKORD encourages doctors to use telemedicine to improve patient care.

The United Kingdom

A common national digital health agency for the 4 healthcare systems

  • Numerous online services offered to citizens such as the ability to communicate with healthcare professionals, book appointments or manage the care pathway.
  • A digital health agency, NHS Digital, launched in 2013.
  • More than a billion e-prescriptions issued by 2022.
  • 58 DigiTrials clinical trials (decentralized clinics) for innovative treatments and solutions were completed in 2022.

A public, decentralized healthcare system

Innovation in Sweden is driven by the close collaboration of players in the public sector with private and academic players spread across 7 regions.

Major investments in the digital transformation of healthcare

  • A national program to digitize the healthcare system from 2025 to 2034.
  • A national rollout of the electronic patient record (EPR).
  • 4 official national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.

What the experts have to say

