Call for Tiers lieux d'Expérimentation projects - TEST 1


Financing Tiers-Lieux to enable the implementation of experiments, and thus contribute to their access to the market.

15,8 M€

committed budget


candidate Tiers lieux


candidate experimental projects


award-winning Tiers lieux


winning experimental projects

What is the Tiers lieux d'Expérimentation CFP?

It aims to fund healthcare structures to set up experimentation programs in real-life conditions. Tiers-Lieux d'Expérimentation enable entrepreneurs to experiment with new tools and services, disseminate the results and receive support in deploying their solutions. The operator of this CFP is the Banque des territoires.

The first wave closed in 2022 (open between February and May 2022). A 2nd wave is open until May 31, 2023

Find out more about the corresponding action here.

The first Tiers-Lieux

List of Wave 1 winners

BOpEx Campus - Paris Region

  • Supported by the GHU AP-HP Université Paris Saclay, Hôpital Paul Brousse
  • This Tiers-lieu is dedicated to the experimentation and co-development of sdigital solutions for the operating room
  • The BOpEX Campus will work on solutions to increase the quality and safety of surgical and anesthesia care, the quality of working life for operating room professionals, and organizational efficiency
  • .

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CARE Alsace - Grand-Est

  • Supported by BioValley France
  • This Tiers-lieu will be avirtual network of players in Alsace's healthcare support ecosystem drawing on a network of 4 physical locations
  • CARE Alsace will enable therecruitment and trainingof citizens, and the emergence of qualified needs and design processes with users.

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DIGIMENTALLY - Auvergne Rhôle Alpes

  • Supported by Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier
  • This Tiers-lieu is an eco-design approach with the Hospices Civils de Lyon and builds on 3 existing Tiers lieux
  • DIGIMENTALLY will focus on mental health by experimenting with digital solutions and services in the field of prevention, care and recovery.

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