"Digital health" acceleration strategy
As part of the France 2030 Plan, the Government is launching a "Digital health" acceleration strategy. Announced in January 2021, this five-year strategy brings together the Ministry of Health and Prevention, the Ministry of the Economy, Finance, Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI).

A strategy to prepare for the future and make France a leader in digital healthcare.
As part of a mobilization of all players in the digital health industry, this proactive acceleration strategy aims to:
- Foster the shift from curative, silo-based medicine to a more preventive, predictive and personalized approach,
- Foster the emergence of a major digital healthcare ecosystem in France, capable of asserting itself in a competitive global market,
- Process healthcare data securely and ethically, without depending entirely on a few players subject to regulations that are less protective of personal data.
What is the "Digital health" acceleration strategy?

In January 2021, the "Digital health" acceleration strategy" has been launched. It aims to prepare for the future and make France a leader in digital health. 5 axes accompany the company over the duration of a digital health project, from the acquisition of skills through training to the deployment of concrete solutions at territorial scales.
Digital services are at the heart of the actualities, the creation and marketing of new devices is a new axis of innovation creation for industry.
Constraints following collective public consultations
. Testimonials from various collectivités territoriales provided plenty of data on the desire to build a strategy for transformation digital.
4 main themes emerged:
The following themes were addressed:
The following themes were addressed
- Axis 1: Facilitating access to markets for startups, SMEs VSEs and other enterprises Axis 2: Meet the challenges of funding and testing projects
- Axis 3: Strengthen France's strategic positioning in AI and healthcare data
- Axis 4: Propose a training offer enabling the numerous players to get involved in the development of service digital.
New talks were held to refine the objectives, this Acceleration Health digital France Relance strategy was thus finalized and presented in summer 2021.
.35 actions implemented
With 650 million euros, the Plan France Relance Transformation num acceleration strategy implements collective actions at the service of enterprises in digital transformation.
The SASN Tour de France : "Digital health"
"Digital health" acceleration strategy. Reaching out to those who are making healthcare digital territories. To inform, present, meet and promote collectivités territoriales and entreprises, players in territoires and actors in the service of the plan de relance and the transition numérique.
G_NIUS supports you in your calls for projects under the plan numérique collectivités
The guichet national de l'innovation du numérique en santé (G_NIUS) provides you with tools and practical information to help you understand the digital ecosystem in healthcare. The aim of G_NIUS is to help you quickly identify the players essential to the development and financing of your project. On G_NIUS, you'll find educational fact sheets giving you the key information you need to know about the e-health players who can support you at every level of your innovation project.
From the state of the art at each stage to the marketing of your services or devices, G_NIUS puts a map of France at your service, enabling you to spot all the news of digital health players and events at a glance.
Identify as early as possible the networks that can help you, what you can expect from them and when to contact them.