A look back at the National Day for Innovation in Digital Health
The event took place on January 18, 2024, at the Beffroi de Montrouge.
The event organized by the Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, as well as the entire interministerial coordination on digital health, was an opportunity to celebrate several anniversaries:
Key figures
+ More than 300
Workshop participants
Honored exhibitor winners
Awards presented at the Talents ceremony
Several announcements were made
- The presentation of the conclusions of the mission on the secondary use of healthcare data with the ambition of federating ecosystem players to liberate the secondary use of healthcare data;
- The imminent opening of the ECLAIRE API (Application Programming Interface), which makes public certain information from the CPP (Comité de Protection des Personnes) database in order to promote the inclusion of patients in clinical trials;
- The launch of the DM Plan's Grand Challenges "Digital medical devices and aging well" and "Digital medical devices in mental health". A public consultation is launched until March 1, 2024 for the Grand Challenge "Digital medical devices and aging well"; See the concertation.
- The 15 winners of the 2nd wave of the "Tiers lieux d'expérimentation" call for projects supporting innovation in digital health with and for users, and the opening of a new wave in Q1 2024;
- The launch of the export action which should enable specific support for innovative French digital healthcare companies already established on the national market and wishing to accelerate their deployment on new markets;
- The launch of the hospital purchasing of digital innovations action, which should provide specific tools to support the implementation of digital innovation within hospitals.

Review of the presentation of the Jérôme Marchand-Arvier mission report
Secondary use of healthcare data: a key driver of research and innovation
By letter dated May 31, 2023, the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, the Minister of Higher Education and Research and the Minister of Health and Prevention launched a mission to lay the foundations of a roadmap for the reuse of healthcare data. Jérôme Marchand-Arvier was appointed to lead the mission. The mission also included Stéphanie Allassonnière, Anne-Sophie Jannot and Aymeril Hoang.
More than 60 hearings were held to arrive at the following conclusions:
- Reuse of the rich heritage of healthcare data is growing, but its significant potential is still largely under-exploited;
- Access to data is insufficiently fluid partly due to the complexity of procedures lack of interoperability and compartmentalization between different sources;
- An ecosystem where cooperation and trust must progress.
37 recommendations are made
To fuel an ambitious strategy for the secondary use of healthcare data, making it possible to significantly accelerate access to healthcare data in France, foster the deployment of artificial intelligence and contribute to improving French competitiveness in terms of research and innovation.
A look back at 4 projects presented at the plenary session

Presented by Odile FAURE TILLON, Director of Digital Health Projects, at EHESP.
The aim of this project is to strengthen the digital health skills of managers, senior executives and engineers in health and medico-social structures. Access the project.
The "Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir" call for expressions of interest has already rewarded 24 winners and is open for season 2. Access the winners.
Toulouse Santé Numérique
Presented by Soumia TAOUI, Tiers Lieu Coordinator.
The aim of this project is to promote access to personalized prevention, involve the people supported and support competitiveness and economic cooperation.
The "Tiers Lieux d'Expérimentation" call for projects has already rewarded 25 winners and some 50 experiments. A new wave will be opened shortly. Access the winners.
Presented by Grégoire FICHEUR, PU-PH, CHU de Lille.
This project aims to structure a shared interregional platform with networking of 4 hospital health data warehouses.
The call for projects "Accompanying and supporting the creation of hospital health data warehouses" has resulted in 16 winners, including 31 CHU-CHRs. Access the winners.
Presented by Alexandre GUENOUN, Founder & CEO, KIRO. Access KIRO.
The call for projects "Evaluation of the medical and/or economic benefit of digital or artificial intelligence-based medical devices" has awarded 35 winning projects. It is open until April 8, 2025, with an interim relief on April 9, 2024. Access the winners.
A look back at the workshops
Grand Défi Dispositifs Numériques pour Bien vieillir : Presentation of the new roadmap
Access the official launch of the public consultation until March 1, 2024 on the action plan.
Following the presentation of the Grand Défi "DMN et bien vieillir" action plan, insights from a panel of experts to investigate the field of innovation and experimentation in the service of aging well:
- Pr Olivier Hanon: How do Gérontopôles contribute to experimentation and evaluation on digital innovations?
- Dr. Omar BELOUCIF: La Poste Santé Autonomie's vision of the importance of the human link with regard to the use of digital devices to strengthen health at home for the elderly and prevent loss of autonomy.
- Mr. Etienne RUBI: contribution of digital devices for caregivers (relatives and professionals).
Next steps:
- Synthesis of the public consultation and publication of the final action plan on digital and aging well (Q2 2024).
- Launch of the Grand Défi DMN and aging well expert committee.
Secondary use of health data: current situation and outlook
The mission on the secondary use of health data represented by Prof. Stéphanie Allassonnière put its recommendations into perspective in relation to the specific issues of the CHU represented by Monique Sorrentino, and the various state players:
- the Direction Générale des Entreprises (Annaëlle Paris) ;
- the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Carole Dufouil) ;
- le Ministère du Travail, de la Santé et des Solidarités (Judicaël Thévenard, DGOS) ;
- the Platforme des Données de Santé (known as HDH) represented by Carole Dorphin.
Digital health innovation in the regions
The challenge of this workshop was to clarify the positioning and role of several entities in charge of innovation in territories. The workshop gave the floor to 5 representatives of these entities:
- the DRARI (regional academic delegation for research and innovation) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes;
- the DREETS (regional directorate for the economy, employment, labor and solidarity) Nouvelle-Aquitaine;
- the ARS (regional health agency) Occitanie ;
- the GRADeS (groupement régional d'appui au développement de la e-santé) Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur;
- the Biotech Santé Bretagne technology innovation center.
In turn, these 5 representatives clarified their role and the way in which they guide and support carriers of innovative digital solutions on a regional scale. DNS and ANS rounded off these presentations by clarifying their respective roles on a national scale.
G_NIUS+, personalized support for your innovations
Since its launch in 2020, G_NIUS has been the service to facilitate the journey of healthcare innovators. It saves everyone time by answering your questions, directing you to the right contacts, and helping you identify funding sources.
In its European dimension, G_NIUS supports entrepreneurs in their export efforts with country fact sheets to apprehend the specificities of e-health innovation specific to each country.
In 2024, with the G_NIUS+ approach, the user experience and support will be even more personalized. G_NIUS thus maintains its initial ambition of becoming your tailor-made partner in the complex world of e-health innovation.
Prevention through digital health
Prevention is one of PariSanté Campus's priority topics, as evidenced by the establishment of a specific acceleration program dedicated to startups, built in partnership with Bpifrance.
The 1st wave of winners was selected at the end of 2023, and the 20 selected startups specializing in healthcare data or even artificial intelligence, will benefit from the support of this program, which aims to structure a genuine prevention startup sector.
Harmonizing clinical evaluation of medical devices in Europe
A factor that can promote the adoption of digital medical device solutions and their access to the European Union (EU) single market is to create greater consistency between the principles of assessment of these digital medical devices used by EU member states. To date, a lack of coordination in member states' assessment practices is visible.
The work of this working group, focusing on three themes, the first of which has been completed on taxonomy, the second on assessment criteria and the third on social acceptability, should make it possible, under the impetus of the Delegation for Digital Health in coordination with EIT Health, to nurture possible future bilateral agreements and voluntary cooperation within the framework of the European Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA).
Grand Défi Digital devices in mental health: experimenting and financing in MentalTech
A cross-section of viewpoints shed light on the theme: experimenting and financing in MentalTech.
Summary of the discussions:
- Pr Frank BELLIVIER, Délégué Ministériel à la santé mentale et à la psychiatrie du Ministère du Travail, de la Santé et des Solidarité, enlightened us on the challenges of digital in mental health and the context for the creation of this second Grand Défi.
- Pr Ludovic SAMALIN provided framing elements on innovations in terms of digital medical devices in mental health.
- Mr Daniel SZEFTEL presented the digital medical device for remote monitoring in mental health, MentalWise, from the company SEMEIA as part of the Passeport BP project (#Article51).
- Ms Auriane DJIAN presented the role of Digimentally, a third-party digital health experimentation center specialized in mental health, in supporting the development and evaluation of digital devices in mental health.
Next steps:
- Launch of public consultation on the DMN Grand Challenge mental health action plan (late Q1/early Q2 2024).
- Launch of the DMN Grand Défi expert committee on mental health.
Experimenting with innovative digital solutions in the social and medico-social sector with Structures 3.0
The aim of the workshop was to share the orientations of the new Structures 3.0 program with participants, and gather their feedback on concrete courses of action to be considered to foster innovation in the social and medico-social sector.
Participants' contributions will help enrich the program's content, to best meet the expectations of ESSMS and entrepreneurs in the sector.
Artificial intelligence & healthcare data
The first issue in the development of AI in healthcare is data access and use. This poitn was debated in a round table discussion attended by :
- Dr Anne-Sophie Janot : Medical Director of the BNDMR - MCU-PH at AP-HP and UPCité , and member of the mission on the secondary use of health data
- Aymeril Hoang : Independent, and member of the mission on the secondary use of healthcare data
- Dr Guillaume Martin: medical expert at Synapse Medecine, winner of the Stratégie d'Accélération "santé numérique" and French Tech 2030 winner.
- Caroline Favart : Product Manager at Incepto winner of the "digital health" Acceleration Strategy and French Tech 2030 winner.
- Victor Aubert : Product Manager at Owkin, winner of the "digital health" Acceleration Strategy.
Accelerating market access for digital medical devices via PECAN
The aim of this workshop was to present the new derogatory reimbursement method used by the French Assurance Maladie, the prise en charge anticipée numérique (PECAN). A procedure addressed to digital medical devices (DMN) for individual use presumed to be innovative, whether for therapeutic purposes (DTx) or used to carry out a medical remote monitoring activity.
Introducing EHDS - European Health Data Space
The draft EHDS regulation aims to create the 1st sectoral data space to meet business challenges and data control and access objectives by creating the sharing of this data at European level.
How can we help French companies export?
Financial support and guidance to conquer new European and international markets is often necessary for digital health companies.
This action therefore aims to specifically support innovative French digital healthcare companies already established on the national market and wishing to accelerate their deployment on new markets.
This support program was co-constructed after consultation with the main French government export players, companies and their main trade unions, as well as diplomatic posts.
It capitalizes on the successes of existing initiatives, while remaining incentive-based and tailored to the digital health sector.
Mon Espace Santé and application listing on the store
More than 68 million French people have a Mon espace santé profile, and over 10 million users have already activated the service. As a result, over 97% of policyholders can receive health documents and be contacted by e-mail via secure messaging by their healthcare professionals.
By the end of 2023, 239 million documents (biology results, reports, medical certificates, vaccination records...) had been deposited in the Mon espace santé medical file by healthcare professionals. Every month, more than 15 million documents are uploaded.
Users also find a catalog of services that references digital tools and services that meet security, ethical and other criteria. 28 digital services are already referenced as of December 31, 2023.
In the near future, users will be able to choose to synchronize them with their profile, sharing the data of their choice between Mon espace santé and these digital services (e.g. sharing a document with a third-party pre-admission service, retrieving data from a blood glucose application).
Users will also be able to choose to synchronize their profile, sharing the data of their choice between Mon espace santé and these digital services.
In 2024, Mon espace santé will continue to evolve to become a vector for personalized prevention, of which the diary will be a major component.