Continuing education in digital health: a high-priority, high-impact challenge
Identifying obstacles and levers for action
Today, on the basis of a diagnostic established at the end of 2021, the supply of continuing education in digital health is insufficient, unclear and unsuited to the needs of more than 2 million health and care professionals.
For this reason, a study was launched by the Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention (MSP) between December 2022 and January 2023. This made it possible to qualify the needs of professionals in the healthcare system and identify the obstacles and levers for action.
Key training objectives to 2027
digital health training integrated into the training catalog of all skills operators and continuing education organizations
10 %
of practicing professionals trained in digital health
Initiatives already in place
- A base and transversal repository of digital health skills has been co-constructed by all representatives of post-baccalaureate medical and paramedical training. It will be made compulsory in the majority of training courses for healthcare professionals from the start of the 2024 academic year.
- Digital healthcare will now be the subject of a dedicated theme (orientation n°11) in the orientations prioritaires 2023-2025 du Développement Professionnel Continu (DPC)
- Digital healthcare will be a national training action of the Association Nationale pour la Formation permanente du personnel Hospitalier (ANFH)
Key results of the study
The brains to continuing education:

- 66% of respondents consider "lack of time"and "unfamiliarity with the training on offer" as the main obstacles to continuing digital healthcare training
- More than 50% of respondents selected "too dispersed and unstructured training offer" and "lack of financial support"
- 40% of respondents consider "the lack of a direct link with the practical part of their activity" to be a hindrance.
The levers of action:

- 77% of respondents want training content more in line with their practice professional and amore legible training offer
- 56% consider training in a very short format, an evaluation toolto better assess needs andfinancial incentives as important levers for continuing digital health training.
See the full study
Study sources
Key figures from the study carried out in 2023
Interviews conducted
Survey respondents
76 %
of respondents are salaried employees
68 %
of respondents are healthcare professionals
16 %
of respondents have an administrative function
.9 %
of respondents belong to a training organization