Financing / Care and treatments / Regulation
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Social care / Social
Intervention zone

What is a department?
The département is the leader in social action. Its actions are aimed at the following audiences: children and families, the elderly, people with disabilities and people in difficulty.
- The department defines and implements the department's social action policy, and coordinates all the players involved in its implementation.
- It provides local services such as MDPH (maisons départementales des personnes handicapées), PMI (protection maternelle et infantile) centers, integration services for people in difficulty etc.
- It finances the three individual solidarity allowances: the APA (allocation personnalisée d'autonomie), the PCH (prestation de compensation du handicap) and the RSA (revenu de solidarité active).
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
From idea to project implementation.
Does it finance projects?
Yes, the department can, in certain cases, help finance innovative digital solutions through:
- The public purchasing procedures published by each department.
- Calls for projects published by each department's conférence des financeurs (available on each department's website).
Practical guide
Who's the right person to talk to?
To propose their solution to the departments, project developers must respond to the public procurement procedures or calls for projects published by each department.
Contractors are advised to consult each department's website.
Do you charge for departmental services?
Can a department provide individual support for a project?
Yes, depending on the case.